How does the SPC airdrop of the decentralized accounting and governance system detonate the currency circle?

3 min readJan 18, 2021

The creators of blockchain technology led by SPC used real computer science instead of fantasy physics to establish a liberal utopia in cyberspace. To a large extent, the goal is to deprive the dependency of the currency on the government.

SPC airdrop

Blockchain technology led by SPC has established a decentralized accounting and governance system. Currency is just one area where public control may change hands. According to NGK, the system not only takes over certain roles in the public domain, it can also be used to transfer wealth, and more broadly, it can also take over the law. In short, the decentralized accounting process can accept anything that a computer can currently represent. At this point, the logic behind the new technology becomes clearer, even for beginners. Whether Satoshi Nakamoto considered these possibilities when creating Bitcoin, it is still open for discussion. His thesis is limited to the special case of electronic money, but this is not surprising in itself. People always have to start with money, because everyone who builds, maintains, and improves any thoroughly decentralized system needs to be rewarded for their efforts. Satoshi Nakamoto paid considerable attention to the classic problem of “motivation”.

SPC airdrop

The NGK project led by SPC does not use the idea of Ethereum, and uses its own NGK blockchain as the basis, so that everyone can write smart contracts and decentralized applications, and thus, they can create their own rules for ownership, transaction format, and state transition functions. It is worth noting that money is no longer just an output, but an input. All programmable calculations in Ethereum need to be paid. The charge is specified in gas and can be purchased with the system currency ETH. However, Ethereum is congested, the gas fee charged is too high, and the block generation is still relatively slow.

The SPC project uses the DPOSS consensus mechanism to achieve one million TPS. At present, SPC sidechain coins have been registered in NGK wallet. According to official sources, the SPC sidechain coin airdrop will be issued on January 21st, 2021. The number of SPC sidechain coin airdrops this time has reached 2 million. The official standard regarding the distribution is based on the NGK computing power in the NGK account. At that time, the official will issue this SPC sidechain coin airdrop candies within seven working days to the relevant account that meets the requirements.

SPC airdrop

It is important to note that the SPC sidechain coins this time have 100 million according to official data. Therefore, the largest number of coin airdrop candies issued is as huge as two million, and there will be no dilemma similar to BGV previously where coins could not be grabbed during the airdrop. In addition, the huge number of issuances is also based on decentralization considerations. The two million airdrops can be received by every ecological builder.

